Rooted in Relationships

Building long-term partnerships with our clients and communities.

Our core values

At Mississippi Land Bank, our roots in North Mississippi run deep. As one of our core values, we are devoted to developing trusted, long-term relationships with our borrowers. The connections that we have cultivated are unique in nature, and we view these partnerships as a community of fellow stewards of the land. We're here to help give you the tools and resources you need to help grow your operation and achieve your goals as a landowner. Mississippi Land Bank is rooting for you every step of the way.

Our customers

Powered by the
Farm Credit System

For over 100 years, Mississippi Land Bank has been part of the Farm Credit System, a national network dedicated to supporting agriculture and rural America. We offer reliable financial solutions, helping farmers and landowners in Mississippi grow, buy, and succeed. As part of the Farm Credit System, we provide consistent access to credit and expert services, ensuring you have a partner invested in your future, just as we have since 1916.

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